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Spicy Beetroot Tahini Sauce

Serves 5

3-4 medium beetroots
20g ginger
4 limes
10g red chillies
100g RAW Whole Sesame Tahini
4 tbsp RAW Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3 tbsp agave syrup
150ml cold water
½ tsp salt
Salt and black pepper, to taste
Fresh coriander, to serve

1. Preheat the oven to 180/160C fan.
2. Wash the beetroots and remove the tail, stems and leaves. (The stems are great pickled and the leaves can be sautéed with garlic!)
3. Drizzle 2 tbsp olive oil over the beetroots and season with salt and pepper. Wrap each beetroot individually and tightly in tin foil.
4. Bake for 1 ½ to 2 hours, or until they are very soft inside.
5. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before unwrapping. Using gloves, rub the skins off of each beetroot - they should come off fairly easily. If not, use a peeler.
6. Roughly chop the beetroot and chilli, and peel and chop the ginger. Add to a food processor with the tahini, agave, salt, 2 tbsp olive oil and cold water, and blend until smooth.
7. Add the juice of 3 limes, taste, and add more lime juice if you like. Taste and adjust to your preference - add more agave for sweetness, more lime juice for acidity, or more water to thin it down.
8. Serve with your favourite dishes! We served ours with roasted butternut squash, beluga lentils and a sprinkle of fresh coriander.


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