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Raw Summer Pineapple Cake


250g dates, pitted
130g gluten free oats
90g desiccated coconut
1 tsp. RAW Organic Acacia Flower Honey
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
500g organic pineapple pieces (250g for base, 250g for filling)


250g cashew nuts (soaked overnight and drained)
160g RAW Organic Acacia Flower Honey
100g RAW Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Juice of 1/2 lemon


Organic pineapple rings
Desiccated coconut


Line a springform cake tin with greaseproof paper.

De-seed/pit the dates and blend along with the oats, coconut, honey, vanilla extract and salt.

Press the mixture into the cake tin, place some pineapple chunks on top and pop into the freezer while you prepare the filling.


Drain the cashew nuts and place them into a blender along with the remaining pineapple, honey, melted coconut oil, vanilla extract and lemon juice.

Whizz on high until smooth.

Pour creamy pineapple layer onto the base and pop the tray back into freezer to set.

Allow the cheesecake to set fully (around 2-4 hours or overnight.)

Decorate with fresh coconut and pineapple rings.

Store in a sealed container in freezer and defrost before serving.


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