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Raw Pizzette

Pizzette's - Raw Crispbread:

4-6 cherry tomatoes, quartered
1/2 yellow pepper, diced
7-8 RAW Organic Kalamata Olives, halved
Pinch of oregano

Cashew Cheese:

500g cashew nuts
8g nutritional yeast flakes
150ml coconut cream
1 tsp. salt
75ml lemon juice
1 tsp. grated garlic
50ml RAW Organic Greek Olive Oil

Cover the cashew nuts with 2 litres of water, and allow to soak overnight.

Drain the nuts and place in a high-speed blender with all the remaining ingredients. Blend until smooth.

Place a tablespoon of cashew cheese onto each crispbread and top with 1-2 quartered tomatoes, a couple of pieces of pepper, a few olives, and a sprinkle of oregano.


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