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Raw nacho dippers with guacamole and tomato salsa


½ a small red onion, chopped finely
½-1 red chilli, chopped finely
Handful of parsley or coriander, chopped finely
3 ripe avocados
Juice of 1 lime
2 tbsp. RAW Organic Greek Olive Oil
1 large tomato
Black pepper


3 large tomatoes
Handful chopped parsley or coriander, chopped finely
½ small red onion, chopped finely
1 green chilli, chopped finely
½ clove garlic, minced
Juice ½ small lime
2 tbsp. RAW Organic Greek Olive Oil
Black pepper

To serve:

RAW Organic Raw-Tilla Dippers -Nacho Style
Coconut yoghurt or cashew cheese

To make the guacamole, put the onion, chilli and herbs into a mixing bowl.

Halve and deseed the avocados (keep the seeds) and scoop the flesh into the mixing bowl. Add the lime and olive oil and mash everything roughly together.

Cut the tomato in half, scoop out the seeds and discard. Chop the rest of the tomato roughly into small pieces and add them to the mixing bowl, stirring everything together well. Season with salt and pepper. Store in the fridge and put the seeds from the avocado in the guacamole until ready to use to stop it turning brown.

To make the salsa, chop each of the tomatoes in half, scoop out the seeds and discard. Chop the rest of the tomatoes roughly into small pieces and put them in a bowl. Add all of the other ingredients, mix thoroughly and season well with salt and pepper. Store in the fridge. This is best made a few hours in advance to allow the flavours to develop.

To serve, spoon the guacamole and salsa into bowls. Use coconut yoghurt or cashew cheese to replace sour cream and use our RAW nacho dippers to scoop everything up!


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