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Raw mocha protein bites

Makes 20-30 bites

1 tbsp. instant coffee granules
150g RAW Organic Cashew Butter
30g plant based protein (we like Vivo Life Perform or Purition)
140g RAW Organic Acacia Flower Honey
60g ground almonds
100g coconut flour
60g RAW Organic Very Cherry Chocolate, chopped roughly

Dissolve the coffee in 1 tablespoon of warm water.

Put the coffee into a food processor with all of the other ingredients except the chocolate and blend until fully combined.

Stir half of the chocolate into the mixture then press the mixture firmly into an 8 by 8-inch silicon mould. Press the rest of the chocolate on top and freeze until solid.

Cut into bite sized squares before serving. Store in the fridge or freezer.


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