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Raw Lemon Tart

For the crust:

150g cashews
100g blanched almonds
40g dates
40ml lemon juice
30g RAW Organic Maya Honey
30g ground almonds
30g coconut flour
1 tsp. lemon oil (optional)

For the filling:

230g cashew nuts, soaked overnight
175g RAW Organic Maya Honey
100g RAW Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
1 ½ lemons, juice and zest
Pinch of salt

To serve:

1 lemon, sliced (optional)

Lightly grease a 9-inch tart pan.

Start by making the crust. Put the cashews and almonds into a food processor and blend until you have a crumb/floury texture. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend again until you have a thick, slightly sticky dough.

Press the dough into the prepared tart pan evenly. You may need to wet your fingers slightly to stop the mixture sticking to them. Put this in the fridge or freezer until ready to fill.

Drain the cashews from their water and put them into a high-speed blender with the rest of the ingredients.

Pour the filling into the tart case and refrigerate for at least 2 hours until ready to eat.

Decorate with slices of lemon before serving.


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