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Raw Hummus, Pesto and Tomato Tart

For the crust:

75g walnuts
130g almonds
200g sundried tomatoes in oil, drained
50g ground flaxseed
2 tsp. RAW Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
Salt and pepper, to taste

For the pesto:

60g basil
Large handful parsley
60g RAW Organic Super Seed Spread
60ml RAW Organic Greek Olive Oil
25ml RAW Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother
Salt and pepper, to taste

For the filling:

3 stalks asparagus, trimmed
RAW Organic Greek Olive Oil, for drizzling
Approx. 1 ½ pots hummus
2 handfuls cherry tomatoes, sliced widthways
Salt and pepper

Put the nuts in a food processor and blend until you have a fine crumb.

Add the drained sun dried tomatoes, flaxseed, coconut oil and blend again. Season to taste. Your mixture should be soft but not overly sticky, add a touch more flaxseed if it is.

Press the mixture into a tart tin evenly and put it in the fridge to set for an hour minimum or overnight if you wish. You can also dehydrate the crust for approx. 6-8 hours if you want it to be crunchy.

Put all of the ingredients for the pesto into your food processor and blend until everything is combined. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Use a vegetable peeler to slice the asparagus lengthways into ribbons. Dress with a little olive oil, salt and pepper and let sit while you prepare the tart.

When the tart crust has set, spread the pesto evenly to cover the base. You may not need to use it all and any leftovers can be used in another recipe.

Top the pesto with hummus. If your hummus is very thick, stir in some olive oil until it is thinner and easier to spread.

Arrange your tomatoes in a circle on top of the hummus and place the asparagus ribbons in the centre (see picture).

Store in the fridge.


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