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Raw Carrot & Orange Dip

For the curly carrot crisps:

2 carrots, cut into batons approx. 2 inches long
1 tbsp. RAW Organic Greek Olive Oil
Pinch of salt

For the dip:

300g carrots, peeled and chopped roughly
4 heaped tbsp. RAW Organic Whole Tahini (70-80g)
20ml RAW Organic Greek Olive Oil + more for drizzling
2 tbsp. RAW Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother
1 tbsp. RAW Organic Acacia Flower Honey
100ml orange juice, approx. juice of 1 orange
15g fresh ginger, peeled
1 tsp. cumin
10g parsley
1/2 -1 tsp. salt
Sesame seeds, for sprinkling

Start by preparing the carrot crisps. Start by tossing the carrot batons with olive oil and salt. Arrange on a dehydrator tray, without overlapping, and dehydrate for about 5-7 hours, or until crunchy. Store in an airtight container until ready to serve.

Put all of the ingredients apart from the sesame seeds into a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. Add more olive oil if it is too thick. Taste for seasoning, adding more salt or cumin if desired.

Spoon into a bowl, drizzle the top with olive oil and scatter over the sesame seeds and carrot crisps before serving.


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