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Organic Chocolate Glazed Peanut Butter Donuts

40g peanut butter
3 tbsp fill fat sour cream
65g RAW acacia honey
1 large egg
65g non-dairy milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
150g all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder

For The glaze:
3 tablespoons RAW Acacia Honey
3 tablespoons RAW Cacao Brazil-nut Bliss
50g RAW chocolate, crushed
3 tablespoons RAW Acacia Honey
3 tablespoons RAW Almond Butter
1 tablespoon RAW Chia Seeds

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). Generously grease a 6-mould donut pan and set aside.

2. In a large bowl combine the peanut butter and sour cream; beat until smooth and creamy. Add in the honey and beat smooth. Add in the egg, milk, and vanilla, beat well. Add in the flour and baking powder and use a fork to lightly toss them together on top of the wet ingredients before folding them into the mixture, stirring until just combined.

3. Spoon the batter into the prepared donut pan. Bake for 9-10 minutes, or until the donuts spring back when gently pressed. Cool completely before topping with the glaze.

4. To make the glaze, mix the honey and the nut butter thoroughly and spread onto the donuts and top with either the chia seeds or crushed chocolate.


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