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Chocolate and Coconut Frosting

Serves 20

1 can good quality, full fat coconut milk (left in the fridge overnight)
3 tbsp. RAW Organic Acacia Flower Honey
2 tbsp. raw cacao powder
2 tbsp. coconut flour
2 tbsp. RAW Organic Cacao Brazilnut Bliss Spread
2 tbsp. coconut yoghurt
¼- ½ tsp. xanthan gum (optional, for thickening)
Pinch of salt

Refrigerate the coconut milk overnight to allow the liquid and solid to separate.

Spoon out the solid part of the coconut milk and put it into a mixing bowl. You should have around 200g coconut cream. Reserve the water to be used in smoothies or another recipe.

Use an electric whisk to whisk the coconut milk until smooth, about 30 seconds.

Add all of the other ingredients and whisk again until smooth.

Use to frost your favourite cupcakes.


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