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Chilli Tahini Noodles

Serves 1

1 tbsp crispy chilli oil, plus 1 tsp
1 tbsp RAW Whole Sesame Tahini
1 pak choi
1 packet of instant noodles
1 tsp RAW White Chia Seeds

Bring a saucepan of water to the boil.
Combine the crispy chilli oil and Whole Sesame Tahini in a bowl.
Cut your pak choi into quarters lengthways.
Once the water is boiling, add the instant noodle seasoning. Tip in the noodles and pak choi, then simmer for 3 minutes.
Add the tahini chilli mixture to the base of the serving bowl. Add a few ladles of the broth, then mix to combine.
Add a little more broth if necessary, then add the noodles. Add the pak choi on top, then sprinkle over some Chia Seeds and drizzle over the remaining chilli oil. Serve and enjoy!


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