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Chilli-Glazed Tahini Aubergine Wedges

Serves 4

1 aubergine, quartered lengthwise
1 tbsp RAW Whole Sesame Tahini
2 tsp RAW Extra Virgin Olive Oil
½ tsp miso paste
10ml rice vinegar
70ml water
½ tsp aleppo pepper
1 tsp brown sugar
½ tsp smoked paprika
½ tsp salt
1 tbsp coriander, to garnish
2 tbsp pomegranate seeds, to garnish

1. Preheat the oven to 200/180C fan.
2. Slice the carrots lengthways and place them on a large baking tray with the chickpeas. Sprinkle with 1 tsp cumin, salt and pepper and 1 tbsp olive oil. Mix to ensure that they are evenly coated, and then place in the oven. Bake for 25 minutes, tossing halfway.
3. In a small bowl, combine the balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp olive oil and the agave syrup. Drizzle the mixture over the chickpeas and carrots along with the fresh thyme, and return to the oven for a further 15 minutes, until the carrots are tender and caramelised.
4. Meanwhile, mix the tahini and yoghurt with the juice of half of the orange and 1 tsp cumin. Season with salt to taste. Add more orange juice if you prefer more acidity.
5. Lay the pecans on a small baking tray and place in the oven for 8 minutes, until fragrant and toasted.
6. Meanwhile, peel the orange skin using a peeler and set aside. Enjoy the orange segments as a mid-baking snack or place in the fridge for later!
7. To serve, lay the whipped yoghurt on a large plate. Pile up the toasted chickpeas, then the carrots, toasted pecans and fresh herbs. Finish with a generous sprinkling of the orange zest and serve!


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