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Serves 406

460g of smoked aubergine pulp (or 2 medium aubergines)

1-2 garlic cloves (to taste)

½-¾ tsp level salt, more to taste (½ tsp if you used jarred pulp, which often contains salt)

2 tsp lemon juice

2 heaped tbsp RAW Organic Whole Sesame Tahini

1½ tsp pomegranate molasses (or more lemon juice)

¼ tsp ground cumin (optional)

A handful of pomegranate seeds, to garnish

fresh parsley, finely chopped

1-2 tsp RAW Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil, to garnish

1. If using aubergines rather than a ready smoked pulp, pierce the aubergines with a knife so that the steam can escape whilst they are cooking. If you have a gas hob, switch the burner on and place an aubergine (one at a time) directly on the burner. Using metal tongs or a fork, turn the aubergine every 2-3 minutes so that a new area of skin is exposed to a naked flame with each turn. Allow them to sit on the burner for as long as it takes the skin to blacken, blister and the inside to collapse significantly.

2. As soon as each aubergine is done, place it in a large bowl and cover it with a tight fitting lid or a piece of cling film so that the skin is easier to take off.

3. While the aubergines are resting, chop the garlic roughly and then smash it with a pinch of salt and the blade of a knife until you get a fine paste. Place it in a small bowl and cover with 2 tsp of lemon juice and set aside – this will mellow out the garlic’s flavour.

4. Once the aubergines are cool enough to handle, cut them in half and scoop out all the flesh using a spoon. Place the flesh on a sieve and leave for a bit (the longer the better) to allow all the excess liquid to drain away.

5. Using a fork, mash the aubergine flesh and mix in salt, tahini, pomegranate molasses, cumin (if using) and mellowed out garlic.

6. To serve, transfer the dip in a bowl, garnish it with pomegranate seeds, chopped parsley and extra virgin olive oil. It tastes best the day after it has been made. Enjoy!


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