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Apple & Strawberry ACV Ice Lollies

Serves 12

Apple layer:
600ml apple juice
60ml water
30ml Raw Pure Blossom Honey
2 teaspoons Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Strawberry layer:
100g Strawberries
60ml water
30ml Raw Pure Blossom Honey
2 teaspoons Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

1) Combine the apple layer ingredients in a blender to ensure the honey is thoroughly incorporated.
2) Pour into the lolly moulds - only a third a full in each.
3) Combine the strawberry layer ingredients in a blender.
4) Once the first apple layer is frozen, pour the strawberry mixture into the mould - fill up to 2/3rds.
5) Once this is frozen, fill the moulds with the remainder of the apple mixture and place the lolly sticks in carefully.
6) Freeze overnight before eating!
7) You can add slices of strawberries in the apple layers (optional)


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