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- 28 April, 2020

Get Set, Go: Chia Seed Puddings, Everyday!

Be the Boss of Lockdown Breakfasts

Day who-knows-what of lockdown. Are you jumping or slumping? Deprived of spring sunshine, regular access to groceries and simple normality, many of us are feeling zapped of vitality.

It’s harder to always buy fresh and local when fruit and vegetables are in shorter supply. But now more than ever, we need to look after our bodies. That means giving our bodies the best fuel possible.

The only stockpiling we’re interested in is pep-in-your-step, immunity-boosting nutrients. Packing goodness into every meal and snack might seem trickier in these strange times, but with a bit of creativity it is doable.

Break Fast the Right Way

Today we’re talking breakfast, because breakfast’s always a great place to start. And yes, some say it’s the most important meal of the day, but it’s also the meal that sleepy – and sometimes rushed – humans are most likely to reach for something convenient. With often ultra-processed and refined sugar-packed cereals having cornered that market, convenience doesn’t always equate to healthful. Until, that is, chia seed puddings came along.

Pudding of Champions

We don’t know who invented Chia Pudding (if you’re out there, thank you benevolent seed genius!). What we do know is that chia seeds started gaining popularity in the UK and USA around 2012 and hit full on food trend status not long after (see here for more chia seed history).

And with good reason too. Chia seeds are teeny tiny nutrient powerhouses. Notably high in protein, fibre and omega 3, they also squeeze in everything from calcium to folates.

The humble Chia Pudding takes all of this goodness and – with mere minutes of prep – brings it to you in convenient delicious breakfast form, supported by other nutrition stars of your choosing.

The Basics

The foundations of a Chia Pudding are simple: chia seeds, liquid, sweetener. Chia seeds absorb the liquid and create a gel casing, which sets in a creamy dessert: power-packed and perfect for starting your day with intention and energy.

Toppings and additions can be as varied as your store cupboard and tastes allow! For optimum nutritional value, try to use fresh and organic ingredients when you can.

The Recipe (makes around 3.5 cups: 5 servings)

3 cups unsweetened plant milk

¾ cup chia seeds

2 tbsp sweetener

Whisk together, divide into 5 cups (leaving space for toppings), cover and chill overnight. That’s it!

Pudding, But Make it Lockdown

We challenge you to dig to the back of that pantry, rifle through your freezer and shake out your spice rack. If you’ve got some chia seeds, likelihood is you already have everything you need at home to make a breakfast that’ll set you up for a positive, productive day. Here are some ideas for bossing breakfast the lockdown way:

Plant milk

  • Canned coconut milk, with its useful long shelf life, makes for a rich, sweet and creamy pudding. Use a dash more liquid in this recipe so the resulting pudding isn’t too thick.
  • Carton coconut milk is delicious too.
  • Almond milk makes for a sweet and nutty pudding. Cartons of almond milk can be stored in your pantry for a while, or you can even try making your own!
  • Ditto oat milk and hemp milk.

Chia seeds

Feel free to use white or black seeds. Ours are highest quality, raw and organic, last beautifully in your store cupboard and – due to their swelling properties – go a long way!


  • We love raw honey for the incredibly versatile flavours, intact enzymes and nutrients.
  • Maple syrup gives a caramel flavour.
  • Date syrup makes a slightly richer tasting pudding.


Additions are ingredients to be added at the stirring stage.

  • Spices such as cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg make for a delicious, comforting pudding.
  • The seeds from a vanilla pod lend natural sweetness.
  • Like things chocolatey? Add a tablespoon of cacao powder if you’ve got it (a teaspoon of cocoa works well too).
  • Matcha powder whisked into your plant milk and honey before mixing will superboost your breakfast!
  • Grated apple or carrot set into the pudding add texture and goodness.
  • A half pinch of salt can really bring out the flavour.


This is where you can really go wild! When your pudding’s all set, pile on frozen or tinned fruit, raisins, nuts or nut butter, hemp seeds, grated carrot, shredded coconut, lemon zest, almond, coconut cream… your only limit is your imagination!

Feeling inspired? Why not gather some ingredients from around your kitchen to whip up a batch of puddings tonight? We’d love to see your #RAWPuddingForBreakfast creations! Tag us in your pics on social or head to our website for more recipe ideas.

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