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- 8 May, 2019

Apple Cider Vinegar: The Benefits

Let’s talk ACV. What the benefits are, how we make it, and what’s the deal with the infusions?

ACV Revisited

We shared in a previous blog that the term “Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits” gets over 100,000 monthly hits. We’re not surprised – the stuff’s incredible. (That blog’s a great read by the way – tap the link to learn about the mighty and mysterious ‘Mother’).

Since they’re so good, let’s begin by revisiting…

The Benefits

Flavour – Some vow the difference between raw and pasteurised ACV is huge, and many agree ours brags the perfect tang. Well, you don’t get a nod from the Great Taste Awards for nothing!

Health – a study reviewing years of quality research revealed that ACV:

  • can reduce blood glucose levels and cholesterol,
  • is a strong antioxidant,
  • has anticancer properties,
  • can reduce fatigue
  • can help protect against osteoporosis.

This stuff packs power!

Cleaning – Mix your own nasty-free dirt busting products using ACV. It’s naturally antimicrobial and antifungal and brings sparkle from glass to stainless steel.

Beauty –ACV stimulates circulation for skin that glows. It also gives your hair gloss, stripping out residue and combatting dandruff. Just remember to dilute it with water, it’s strong stuff!

3 Stages to Perfection

So how do we create this super-nectar? For RAW ACV, the process is simple. Fresh, organic apples, fermentation, more fermentation and patience:

  1. Apples – We pick and press fresh, organic fruit to make quality apple juice.
  2. Ferment –This natural process converts juice into wine.
  3. Submerge-ferment – For perfect conditions for the next round of fermentation, we use a Frings Acetator to convert as much alcohol as possible into acetic acid.

While the flavour perfects in oak barrels, we wait for up to a year before bottling it up – Mother and all – and sending it on to your favourite whole food outlets.

Mix It Up – ACV Infusions

A plethora of uses deserves a plethora of flavours. That thought sparked an idea – could we superboost ACV’s benefits by pairing it with other superfoods? Before long, we unveiled a new generation of ACV: our original organic, unpasteurised vinegar in three new taste-party recipes.

Raw ACV Infusion: Turmeric & Cinnamon

The ultimate morning kick-start.  With anti-inflammatory power from turmeric and antioxidants from cinnamon, stir this infusion into warm water for a raw-charged Teatox.

Great for: curbing cravings and making you feel alert.

Raw ACV Vinegar Infusion: Turmeric & Ginger

For triple anti-inflammatory power, slip some ACV infused with turmeric and ginger into a post-workout smoothie.

Great for: relieving pain and digestive issues.

Raw ACV Vinegar With Honey

For salad that serves sweet and sour with a side of feel-good, shake up this beauty with a little oil and salt and sprinkle over crisp leaves, your favourite seeds and some fresh veg.

Great for: soothing sore throats, combatting infection and moderating the vinegar’s sharp taste for those who prefer the sweeter things in life.

Whether you prefer your ACV unadulterated or with a double-dose of goodness and flavour, you can grab our original recipe ACV and all three infusions from stockists nationwide.

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