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- 10 January, 2019

RAW-Charging Your Body for the New Year

For us, newness means freshness, which means RAW. What better time of year is there to get into healthy habits and raw-charge your batteries for the year ahead?

Having said that, we don’t believe in resolutions – promises too easily broken and hard to maintain. Instead, how does resetting, realigning and finding yourself ready to embrace the New Year with vibrancy sound?

Let’s find our January pep and regain some vigour with these steps that are more about rediscovering your raw-thm than reaching for unrealistic expectations:

1. Nourish

It’s great to relish feasting and communing (nutrients are more readily absorbed if you’re enjoying your food), but it’s also important to respect your system. Your gut is like a ‘second brain’, regulating hormones and mood. For the New Year it can take a little TLC to get back on track.

Once the party season has come to an end, consider resetting your gut health. An easy place to start is to incorporate gut-loving probiotics into your diet. Our fermented veggies are packed with them! In fact, including any raw products in everyday eating will help your system regain its balance.

2. Move

14% of gym memberships are cancelled in February: understandable for those who’ve thrown themselves at a brand new (unrealistic) exercise regime as a punishment for Christmas revelry. An achievable and fun exercise routine is more likely to fuel your vitality and persist through the year.

Here are some top tips for sticking to your movement goals:

Do something you love! You’re much more likely to stick to exercising if you like it. Widen the scope from gym and running to rave tone, yoga, mountain biking, aqua, pole dancing… You name it, there’s an activity for you!

Do it with a friend. A buddy to motivate you will keep you going come rain or shine. Bonus: you get to catch up as well as moving your body.

Recalibrate your goals. Let’s not make this about weight loss. You’re beautiful as you are! Let’s get moving to stay healthy in mind and body, strengthen those bones and increase If self-loathing is the motivator, exercise becomes a depressing chore.

3. Breathe

Re-energising your mind is every bit as important as rebooting your physical system. Make a commitment to your mental health. Meditation, even just 10 minutes a day, can calm that January anxiety. Find a meditation app that works for you, there are loads of free guides on YouTube as well as the big ones like Headspace and Calm.

4. Sleep

Obvious perhaps, but quality sleep is extremely important for reinvigorating the body. Winter is a time to lay low and listen to your body when it tells you to slow down. Remember all the advice around good sleep hygiene:

No devices a couple of hours before bedtime

No screens in the bedroom

A bath before bed aids relaxation

Avoid caffeine after midday

Keep your room dark

Go to bed at the same time every day

5. Small Steps

Overhauling your routine overnight can be overwhelming, so remember: every day is an opportunity to learn and grow and there is no such thing as perfect. Incorporate little changes every day – make at least one healthy meal a day, go to bed a little earlier, move your body on the regular.

If you’re looking for more inspiration, we have lots of recipes, blogs and delicious ways to get RAW-charged for the coming year. Including raw foods in your diet will help you on your way to wellness and vibrancy.

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