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- 14 September, 2018

5 Foods to Answer the Question: Is Eating Raw Really Good for You?

Raw: A Recap

What do we mean by Raw?

You probably know the word to mean ‘uncooked’. Perhaps even ‘being in a natural condition’. Well that pretty much covers it, but if you prefer specifics (we do), raw to us means never heated above 42°C. (You can read more about what Raw means to us here).

Raw eating fans are often respecters of Mother Nature. They see foods in their natural state bursting with a myriad of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. They simply want to preserve and harness this natural goodness.


Does Eating Raw Really Boost Health?

Let’s start with the basics. Eating raw means getting lots more good and much less not-so-good stuff in your diet.

A full raw diet excludes most of the foods implicated in chronic diseases. Obesity, high cholesterol and joint issues all seem to be less of a problem in raw foodist populations.

Eating raw by definition means eating a lot of vegetables, which studies suggest can be protective against a range of cancers, particularly when those vegetables are raw. Plenty of fruit and vegetables also have a protective effect against cardiovascular disease, according to a review published in the British Medical Journal.

Raw ingredients are higher in protective antioxidants and phytochemicals and free from the carcinogens of grilled food.

Raw’s sounding pretty good right now, right?

But that’s talking generally. Like we said earlier, we like to get specific, so let’s zero in on some specific raw foods and their benefits.


  1. Sauerkraut: Great Friend to Guts

Sauerkraut, the delicious accompaniment made from fermented cabbage, is absolutely packed with probiotics. We’re talking trillions of bacteria per spoonful. So what? So, probiotics have been found to help your gut:

  • Digest food
  • Harness the goodness from your food
  • Make conditions favourable for other healthy bacteria.

Read more here and grab your sauerkraut here.


  1. Chia: The Speed-Giving Seed

There’s a reason the super-athletes of the Tarahumara tribe swear by chia before a run. The seeds are microcosms of protein and omega-3, as well as fizzing with a list of other nutrients beneficial in exercise.

Read more here or seek some energy-givers here.


  1. Apple Cider Vinegar: Shine for Skin and Hair

Raw apple cider vinegar (ACV among friends) is known to be anti-inflammatory, pH-balancing and circulation-boosting. It’s also great for stripping product residue and giving gloss to hair. Heads up! Depending on use, it might need diluting.

Discover more of ACV’s many benefits here and head over here to find yours.


  1. Tahini: Targeter of Pain

Tahini, a condiment made from ground sesame seeds, is full of magnesium and copper. Both nutrients have been found to be effective in preventing and fighting pain. Magnesium, with its anti-spasm mechanism, is particularly helpful in the prevention of migraines. Be sure to buy raw, whole tahini, which has much higher levels of these nutrients than its roasted, hulled counterparts.

Seek your soothing tahini here.


  1. Coconut Oil: Anti-Fungal Wonder

Most people have heard about the benefits of coconut oil and trust us, there are many. Here’s one that doesn’t often get the attention it deserves: over 50 forms of candida (the fungus responsible for thrush and other yeast infections), have been found to respond to raw coconut oil. This anti-fungal wonder can be applied directly to the affected area.

Find some raw virgin goodness here.


There’s no doubt about it, embracing raw foods can do you good. For optimum wellbeing, enjoy varied Raw foods as part of an active, vibrant lifestyle.

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